Great article and thought provoking. I was raised in an abusive household. Physically and verbally. I know I carried this over into my adult life, at first subconsciously, but now I am aware.
I was pissed as all hell at first, but when I accepted my dad was doing the best he knew how, it made it a little easier. I am not saying the abuse was ok, I’m saying it happened with what he knew. It doesn’t make it right.
I’m still working on healing from it on more ways than one and it’s not easy. I’m sure he didn’t set out to hurt me, because there was times he would cry after he beat me. But he still never stopped.
Life is a tough lesson for sure. And for the most part people are good people but are doing what they know. They do t know any other way because lack of awareness.
Thanks again. ♥️