How Being Friends with a Narcissist After a Break-Up Screams Insecurity

They are friends with all their ex, but you!

Chris Freyler
3 min readJun 6, 2022
Photo by https://unsplash.comLOGAN WEAVER

Fuck! You had yet another argument! Fuck this shit; you are gone this time!

You are sick of having your words twisted and used against you. Every time you try and explain yourself, you are left battered and confused, questioning what the hell the issue was you wanted to address!

You finally muster the courage to tell them, “You need a break.” I mean, who doesn’t? How can anyone have a long-term relationship with someone of this magnitude? You politely ask for some space to gather your thoughts.

Unfortunately, your request is met with anger. Not only anger but with a barrage of questioning why you are doing this to them?! They know you are the “one!” They knew it from the minute they met you. Everything you liked, they liked, they couldn’t believe they finally found you! And now you are pulling this shit!

You have never felt this strong connection with someone in your life, and god damn, it feels good! Right? You have never experienced anything like it. You love it but are questioning your ever-loving mind at the same time. You are persistent; you know you need some space to sort out the intensity of this relationship.



Chris Freyler

Mistake Maker Extraordinaire .Writing from a place I don’t understand at times. I write to help myself, in return hope it helps you. Just another Quora guy.