Member-only story
How do You Cope When Your Partner Minimizes Their Abuse as Mistakes?
The minimization of abuse is more harmful than the abuse itself
I’ve been battling this issue for years now. So, how do I cope?
Insanity, that’s how I cope, running and replaying the exact scenarios over and over, expecting something new to appear and “woo-la!” Everything is better; she finally understands, wrong. My actions definitely show the definition of insanity, “doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.”
I have my defects. And I can react in the most cut-throat fashion if pushed to that extreme. Is it in part due to childhood trauma? You bet your ass it is. Do I stay in and chase abusive people to the end of the world? You bet your ass I do. And that has to do with unhealed trauma also.
And you know what’s more frustrating than being aware of your shit and trying to work on YOUR issues? Having a partner who isn’t aware of all the abuse they inflict. In return, they minimize the abuse as mistakes and blame it on their partners’ childhood trauma.
It’s one of the hardest things a person can do in life is really look at themselves. Not on a superficial level, but one where you sit with yourself, with NO distractions.