How Trying to Make A Narcissist Feel Sorry Will Never Work

They will say they are sorry but they never mean it.

Chris Freyler
2 min readMar 6, 2022
Photo by lilartsy from Pexels

This is something you can never do. Why would they be sorry for something when they did no wrong in their eyes? I mean, they will say they did wrong but won’t believe it. And if you don’t believe them, they will flip the script on you as the abuser.

It’s wildly fucked up.

But you can get under their skin. They probably value your opinion very much, at least the more Covert does. That’s why they got with you, to begin with. They loved the way you made them feel about themselves; they didn’t love you as a person. This is why they bounce person to person to keep the never-ending supply of “pick me ups” flowing uncontrollably.

I caught myself being manipulative, trying to make her jealous or drive it in the ground what she has done. She would say she’s sorry a lot, almost as much as she dropped the “I love you’s.” None of it she meant.

I’d tell myself if she could just see the pain she caused. If she would just accept it and allow me to heal and help me through it. We could be a happy couple. But that’s my delusion, not hers.

It never happened. Abusive people aren’t sorry; they are sorry they got caught. They wouldn’t keep repeating the…



Chris Freyler

Mistake Maker Extraordinaire .Writing from a place I don’t understand at times. I write to help myself, in return hope it helps you. Just another Quora guy.