I feel your friend! For me it comes down to my self-worth. I constantly feel judged by others. But I’m reality, guess what? No one gives a fuck! It’s my own thoughts that terrorize me.
I always think”why can’t I just let go and be me, sober!” I want to not care like I do when I’m drunk.
The thing is, the fun guy and for you girl is under there. We’ve just masked it for years with some form of self-sabotaging comfort. I’ve conditioned myself.
I know that awkward feeling yoh speak of and it’s a horrible feeling! The only way to get comfortable is to do the uncomfortable.
Keep doing what is uncomfortable. In the uncomfortable is where change lies.
For me, it’s being sober in group events. Taking to strangers. Hell, complimenting strangers. Quit letting my thoughts terrorize me worrying about what someone will think about me.
Because as long as I’m respectful to myself and others it doesn’t matter what others think about me. Setting boundaries is another biggie for me, it is torture for me to say no.
As long as my head hits the pillow at night and I know I didn’t the best I could that day I’ll be ok. I know it. And better yet, my sober head hits the pillow and I know tomorrow I have another chance.
Tomorrow’s a new day Sara make it an uncomfortable one! That’s where growth is my friend. Nothing grows in the garden of comfort🙏♥️