If You’re Life Feels Like a Constant Struggle What Should You do?

Well, sitting around and doing the same shit isn’t one of them.

Chris Freyler
2 min readSep 7, 2024
Photo by Brian Erickson on Unsplash

What you need to do is keep struggling until you get so sick, and fucking tired of yourself you can’t stand the mirror.

It’s only then, you “might” do something about your misery. I sat around on a drunken pity pot for years, and still do at times, but I’m finally making some great progress.

My relationship with myself, and girlfriend is improving. My health is getting in order, I’m down 12lbs, I’m trying to build consistency in actions, and structure in my chaotic mind.

I have certain things I do EVERY fucking day, no matter how I feel. NO EXCUSES!

Eat well, drink plenty of water, no sugar, and exercise.

One thing you have to embrace, is the stumble. It path will be far from perfect, and you need to understand that.

When you fall, get the hell back up and keep trying. But more importantly, you have to want change more than anything in the world. Change is now your new oxygen, you need it to survive.

It’s gonna suck, I mean, royally suck. You will look to any person, place or thing you can blame, but there is no more blame, only a reflection. You…



Chris Freyler

Mistake Maker Extraordinaire .Writing from a place I don’t understand at times. I write to help myself, in return hope it helps you. Just another Quora guy.