Is it Possible to Break a Narcissists Mentally?

Unfortunately, I don’t think there is. They are like elastic until age catches them.

Chris Freyler
2 min readJan 23, 2024
Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash

It never mattered what was found out about the girl I dated She didn’t care who called her out on her bullshit, or what people said about her. She takes a hit, but shakes it off and keeps living her delusion. It was really crazy how she could seem like she cares and would agree at times.

But just as quickly as she agreed she would turn back into her grandiose self that she wasn’t the problem, but everyone else was.

I still have trouble wrapping my head around it eight months later, the last we spoke

I mean, she writes here on Medium and over on Quora, still promoting her life coach bullshit no one signs up for. She always told me I had no “emotional intelligence” she might have been right to a degree, but I know my ass has more than her.

She’s changed titles as a life coach, emotional intelligence coach, spiritual psychologist, and many other “hats.” While she isn’t qualified to do shit.

Looking back I know it was nothing but her typical cycle from elation to deflation



Chris Freyler

Mistake Maker Extraordinaire .Writing from a place I don’t understand at times. I write to help myself, in return hope it helps you. Just another Quora guy.