Member-only story
Relationships Lose Meaning After Narcissists Abuse
That’s once you break the trauma bond, it changes everything.
Relationships used to be very important to me. Not only having them in my life, but they had to really like me. Codependency is similar to Narcissism. Their emotions are regulated by others. Their mood is determined how their interactions with others goes that day.
I’ve self diagnosed myself with Cdependency, CPTSD and Borderline so far. I’m sick of labels and relationships, or just people in general. My I feel a label in needed at times if you want to heal.
The longer I am sober the more isolated I want to become. I’m honestly sick of relationships in any form because they always end in some fashion, and it’s usually disaster.
I have a couple close friends, but I avoid them too.
It could be the relationships that I’m choosing have jaded me. Because in reality they are a direct reflection of who I am. Why would I attract any form of normalcy if I’m a mess myself? I won’t.
I’m too analytical, opinionated, judgmental and I think too much. It really is exhausting being me.
The crazy ass relationships with my three ex’s, more importantly the last one, served there purpose.