Member-only story
Stop Being Sensitive to Toxic People
Boundaries have nothing to do with being a doormat.
It’s called codependency, not sensitivity. Well, not really. It depends on how aware you are.
If it’s codependency, I’m sorry; it’s going to fucking suck. Toxic people play on the toxic guilt you have. It’s not right, I know.
Someone can bitch, slap you, kick you in the nuts, and cheat on you with your best friend, and you will feel sorry for them. I know. Can you believe that shit?
Codependency is nothing more than a fear of negative emotions that toxic assholes prey on.
We, the codependent, are their wonder drug!
They can’t get enough of us, and we can’t get enough of them. So they can do anything, and we are the one who apologizes. What a perfect fucking doormat!
But, if there is a time or two we lose our fucking shit, they WILL flip the script, and BAM, there’s that fucking guilt again!
It’s like being stuck in a round room with nails and being told to find the corner blindfolded.
It’s painful, miserable shit.
Oh, I forgot. How to be insensitive to toxic people? Stop fucking caring. That’s how.
Become an insensitive, diabolical machine with no feelings for this person.
Speak your fucking harsh ass truth until YOU believe it, or at least make them think you aren’t to be fucked with. They will “get it” quicker than you will.
And when the “guilt” comes from holding a boundary, tell it to fuck off too!